
New Police Officers Sworn In, Promoted, and Awards Presented at Board Meeting

By Stephen E. Lipken

Bronxville Mayor Mary C. Marvin welcomed everyone to the June 10, Regular Board of Trustees meeting.

With many Police Officers present, Marvin stressed that Bronxville, “…has the best Police Department in Westchester and it is just wonderful for us to have the chance to recognize your achievements, welcome new officers and say a big collective thank you for what you do.”

Marvin called upon Chief Christopher Satriale who stated that there were four new officers being sworn in, “…and those positions are a direct result of this Board’s support for law enforcement and public safety in the Village of Bronxville. While many Police Departments were reducing staff and resources, our department has brought the compliment of Police Officers from 21 to 25.”

“The biggest challenge has been scooters, operated by delivery drivers,” Satriale continued.  “Although they are working and providing a service for our residents and helping our merchants, many are operating with no motorcycle license, no registration and no insurance.  With overtime initiative, we are making sure that these mopeds are operating within the laws of the State of New York. We also impounded more than 30 mopeds being driven in an unsafe manner.”

Police Commissioner/Trustee William Fredericks administered the Oath of Office to Police Officer Anthony Franciotti. Deputy Mayor Robert S. Underhill swore in Officer Dmitri Gallard. Commissioner/Trustee Helen Knapp swore in Officer Brandon Serrano, and Mayor Marvin swore in Officer Fadi Khader.

Promotions included Detective Cheryl Jarosz to Sergeant, and Detective Steve Valentin to Sergeant, both sworn in by Commissioner/Trustee Mary Taylor Behrens.

Then Excellent Police Duty Awards were presented to retired Detective/Sergeant Richard Anderson and Sergeant Valentin for identifying use of a stolen Debit Card to withdraw $1,000 cash; another Anderson/Valentin investigation involved use of a stolen card to withdraw $9,000.

Officer Justin Sokol and Det/Sgt. Anderson were cited for identifying suspects of using altered and stolen checks outside the Pondfield Citibank location.

Finally, Officer Jason Cooper observed two males attempting to steal a Ford Ranger out of a driveway. Cooper and Sergeant Erik Vanderleeuw apprehended one perpetrator; Officer Ahmed Danso-Faried stopped the second suspect.