
2024 Grand Marshal Chance Mullen, Anthony Santiago, Aoibhe Charles, Ryan Crothers,  and 2023 Grand Marshal Tony O’Callaghan. Photo by Sound Shore Photo

The Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Announced Its 2024 Scholarship Recipients

The Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, its past Parade Grand Marshal, Tony O’Callaghan, and the 2024 Grand Marshal, Chance Mullen, officially presented three deserving students with their awards at the annual Scholarship Brunch hosted at Sedona Taphouse in Mamaroneck. 

The Irish Heritage Scholarship Winners are:

• Aoibhe Charles, currently a senior at The Ursuline School and will be attending Binghamton University in the fall, majoring in Biology.

• Ryan Crothers, a senior at Iona Preparatory High School and will be attending Loyola University.

The Marshal Mohr Scholarship Winner is:

• Anthony Santiago, a senior at Rye Neck High School and will be attending SUNY Cortland, majoring in Biology. 

Over $50,000 in scholarships has been awarded in a tradition that began with the first Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade. “Our aim has always been two things,” said Parade President Joe Mauro, “To organize a great parade event for the Sound Shore community celebrating Irish heritage and the American immigrant experience while providing scholarships for deserving students. We’re grateful for the opportunity to make a small difference in these admirable young people’s lives.”

The Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade represents the entire Sound Shore community, from Port Chester to Pelham, marching down Mamaroneck Avenue through the Village of Mamaroneck to Harbor Island, the best place to march in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade celebration this side of Dublin City. 

Visit for more information on how you and your organization can march in the parade, donate to the Parade Scholarship Fund, or join the Sound Shore St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee in its annual fall golf outing.